Capacity Building

Based on Audit result, decide counter action.

Energetic Green analyze each factory, and formulate solution plan.


  • Uniidentifiable deduction from pay slip
    ⇒Explain what deduction it is to workers. Change the way of making pay slips in transparent way.
  • Work more than 60 hours per week
    ⇒Manage proper working hours and health status. Have a meeting with buyers/suppliers.
  • A Technical Intern Trainee Program worker paid high fee for entering to Japan
    ⇒Notify and discuss with sending organization and supervising organization.

Based on audit report, Energetic Green supports workforce management and consult for several issues.

Energetic Green promotes solving rooted issue through stakeholder meeting and communication.

In emergency situations, Energetic Green go through survey, interview research in workers’ mother language, and support explanation for stakeholders, inside the company, and mass media.

☆Auditor Training

If the person in charge of procurement, or sales has the knowledge of CSR, the company can reduce risk effectively. Energetic Green conduct auditor training for company’s essential growth.

<Training Contents examples>

  •  Lecture of basic knowledge and global trend of CSR
  • Auditor seminar about labour and Human Rights, based on SA8000
  • On-the-Job-Training: join our audit and get the skill in the field.